dimanche 17 janvier 2010


Pour en savoir un peu plus sur ce qui se passe réellement à Haïti deux très bons articles :

"Comment ils ont ruiné Haïti" de Ashley SMITH" et "Haïti : vers une nouvelle occupation américaine" de Claude RIBBE. Ces articles sont sur :

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Il y a d’autres idées.

After being defeated militarily by revolutionary Toussaint L'Ouverture, the French colonial powers who held Haiti demanded reparations in the form of 150 million gold francs in order to recognize the new, free nation. That number was later, generously of course, reduced to 90 million gold francs, or over $20 billion current U.S. dollars.
The ripple effect of this bargain cannot be underestimated. A free Haiti was hobbled economically from the start. They did not finish paying off the "independence debt" to france until 1947. The triangle of Haitian/French/US relations also paved the way for the Louisiana Purchase, which expanded and enriched the United States.

Et ainsi va la vie.

Joune a dit…

je vais allez jeter un coup d'oeil a ce site là , merci :)