Marie à Red River
Abricotiers en fleurs à St Andéol
Hello everyone,
We are in the middle of another winter wonderland. We've accumulated 18" so far and more is on the way. Not only do we have flood problems but we are now dealing with a flood and a blizzard at the same time. I didn't go to work again today. I'm not sure when we will see spring. I'm getting really anxious for warmer days. Here are a few pictures of the snow at our house and around town. We took the 4-wheeling machine to take a look at the town. The picture ( labeled deep) of Jacob holding the shovel out of the snow shows how deep the now was at 10am. From where his hand is to the end of the pole was about 18". The picture labeled Impala is my car absolutely buried. And you can see how deep the snow was on top of the truck!! Enjoy the pictures!Hope everyone is staying warm and dry!
Take Care
C'est la question que pose Brother in law 01 en nous envoyant des photos de sa fille Marie - notre nièce- qui habite dans près de la source de Red River (USA).
On pourrait lui répondre en France à la vue des photos prises par Marie Thé cet après midi.Hello everyone,
We are in the middle of another winter wonderland. We've accumulated 18" so far and more is on the way. Not only do we have flood problems but we are now dealing with a flood and a blizzard at the same time. I didn't go to work again today. I'm not sure when we will see spring. I'm getting really anxious for warmer days. Here are a few pictures of the snow at our house and around town. We took the 4-wheeling machine to take a look at the town. The picture ( labeled deep) of Jacob holding the shovel out of the snow shows how deep the now was at 10am. From where his hand is to the end of the pole was about 18". The picture labeled Impala is my car absolutely buried. And you can see how deep the snow was on top of the truck!! Enjoy the pictures!Hope everyone is staying warm and dry!
Take Care
3 commentaires:
Pourtant, je trouve que nous vivons dans un joli pays. Du blanc sur blanc.
On dit que les eskimos ont entre 7 et 100 façons (mots) a décrire la neige. Nous en avons au moins quatre.(maudit-neige ; diable de neige ; sacré neige ; neige folle)
Mais peu importe. On ne peut pas souffler les fleures. On ne peut pas faire des bonne-hommes de fleures. On ne peut pas faire des tas de fleures a la pelle. On ne patiné pas sur les fleures. On ne peut pas faire la descente de luge sur les fleures. Les fleures ne fondent pas au printemps. Elles sont plutôt emmerdantes ces fleures !!
Brother-in-law 01
ciel que mon oncle jim est jaloux de nos fleurs !!!!!
bises à tous les joyeux lurons enneigés !
Coucou ! jai fais encore un nouvelle article sauf que celui là sa ne se voi pe etre pas mais javais vrément beaucoup de haine en lecrivant alors jai fais haine sa ma valu un coup de poing dans le mur parce que jai pas pu me defoulé sur la personne voulu sinon sa aurai était fais..
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